Christmas in July: The very last snowflake!

Fourth of July weekend started off as a hurricane. As the storm took over the New York City area there was also a literal flurry of snowflakes around us and blowing around in our faces and minds.

Physical snowflakes aside, we started to make some more snowflakes in the middle of the hot and sunny Jersey shore.

Without being any more cryptic or vague, I’m happy to say that the final snowflakes have landed early this morning for Merry Bright Music and I’m happy to announce that a new album cover is born!

Come to think of it … before we arrived back to NYC, I went to visit my aunt’s restaurant in Jersey and she made me a Filipino snowball dessert of sorts called “halo halo.” Yum.

When I got home, there were snowflakes abound all over my apartment and I had a furry little helper Toby trying to suck up snowflakes before the vacuum was able to.

Darnit, I think I missed one…
