Interview on Passion and being an Female Entrepreneur

Christmas is everyday for me!

Christmas is everyday for me!

Failure Club has come and gone, but the impact on my life is here to stay.
Can you believe it has been 3 months since last Christmas? Yet, it feels like Christmas is almost here for me! 🙂

I was recently interviewed by about pursuing my passions and my experience being a female entrepreneur, I talk about what my experience is like and how I remained focused towards my goal to create a Christmas legacy.

When you pursue your passion, not everyday will be filled with joyousness. It’s hard work and negotiating tradeoffs. As long as you are committed and your eye is clear on the prize, good things will always happen. Promise.

So check out the interview and would love to hear how you keep your dreams and passions fresh in your day to day life!

Read the Interview: Women Leaders, Past to Present: Christmas Songwriter Elizabeth Chan on Pursuing Your Passion
